Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Mitt's Founding Father Like Religion Speech

This has got to be the best speech I've seen a politician give in my lifetime!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tommy Boy in German!

This is taken from Tommy Boy. I bought the German version from Thanks for putting this on Chris.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Roger Williams Testifies of Gospel, 200 years before Restoration!

I was just watching TV and they had children singing a hymn. When they came to the line "God and sinners reconciled", it became indistinguishable and trailed off. How crazy is the modern liberal view of separation of church and state? The modern idea of separation of church and state is in direct contrast to Roger Williams' notion. Roger Williams believed the more the merrier. As many differing opinions as possible on the matter of religion should be heard and considered, because truth wins out in honest minds. Modern liberalism's idea is that only some religious ideas should be tolerated at the exclusion of others, that some ideas are too dangerous to allow in the public discussion at all (and their 'dangerous' is usually the noblest).
As you know, Roger Williams founded Rhode Island. This was the first modern state to institute separation of church and state. Roger Williams never missed an opportunity to speak about spiritual things and God, thus demonstrating how far modern liberals have strayed from original intent. There was no state sponsored religion, no taxes to support a state run religion, but that never meant a public figure couldn't speak about God, that certainly never meant that they shouldn't pray frequently. If he was alive today, the modern liberal would tempt him to take a musket ball in the head.
There was a question in the youtube Republican debate about the Bible as the word of God. I got thinking about how everyone on that stage and indeed in the venue probably had a differing opinion on at least parts of the Bible, but can still believe it is the Word of God.
Roger Williams was perhaps the brightest, most liberal (when liberalism was a good thing) and pious of his generation. A man that most Christians as well Jews would hold in the highest esteem. It was because of His leadership, that the first Jewish community was founded in North America and he was co-founder of the first Baptist church in North America. How did he come to conclusions about true religion and priesthood authority, which are totally consistent with 'Mormonism'? I would submit that it was from a lifetime of Bible study and understanding its precepts. If you study Williams life, you will appreciate how much he loved the Bible and tried to live it, how much he desired to interpret it and live it correctly. He is a man who loved native Americans, who gave them free goods, who unlike the puritans, obtained their land legally, who did work for widows in his downtime and is universally loved by historians. He was a man so loved by the Narragansett Indians that their sachem asked to be buried in Williams clothing.
Here are some excerpts from Timothy L. Halls, "Separation of Church and State", University of Illinois Press, 1998. These are from pages 25-27. These quotes clearly show that the LDS idea of a need for apostolic succession and a line of authority aren't 19th century invention, but through careful study of the Bible, one can and should draw the conclusion that there was an apostasy in Christ's Church and that authority was lost and there was a need for a restitution.
"when [Roger Williams] arrived in Massachusetts he still believed that a pure church might be found if only he were to search for it diligently enough. In later years, though, Williams abandoned the search altogether. He became convinced that churches could not be established willy-nilly just because a band of individuals decided to form one. To found a church one needed a properly ordained minister, and - here was the rub - so far as Williams could tell, no such ministers existed any longer. To be ordained, one had to receive ordination from someone properly ordained by a minister of a true church. Now this chain of ordination had proceeded in an orderly fashion during the early years of the church. Christ had ordained apostles; they, in turn, had ordained church ministers; the ministers had ordained their successors; and so on. But, eventually, Williams thought, the chain had been disrupted. The line of apostolic succession had been severed by Constantine's nationalization of Christianity in the fourth century. At that point, Williams believed, the true church had died, and with it the chain of ordinations that kept the ministry alive." Roger Williams liked to speak of a hedge separating church and state and how when you removed the hedge, state corrupted religion. He was more concerned about the state's ill effect on religion than true religions ill effects on state when there existed no hedge or wall separating the two. Isiah 5:4 'What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?
5:5 And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down' (my interjection not Hall)
"Thereafter, the world was ruled by the anti-Christian Roman Catholic Church and had become a wilderness in which true believers roamed as pilgrims, without benefit of ministry or sacrament." (Hall)
Amos 8:12 "And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it."
If anyone is fulfillment of this prophecy, it is Roger Williams. He searched all over England and then to New England. He founded a group called the seekers and encouraged all religions to come to Rhode Island, because he wanted to find the truth if it existed in its fullness. (my interjection not Hall)
John Cotton wrote this about how Williams began to cut himself off from the New England churches because he didn't believe they possessed the authority to perform ordinances.
"And then [he] fell off from his ministry, and then from all church-fellowship, and then from his baptism and then from the Lord's Supper, and from all ordinances of Christ dispensed in any church-way, till God shall stir up himself, or some other new apostles to recover, and restore all the ordinances, and churches of Christ out of the ruins of Anti christian apostasy."
". . . . Williams eventually abandoned any hope of finding a pure church. He associated for a few months with an infant congregation of Baptists but ultimately separated from them because even they could not claim to have preserved the legacy of the apostolic church. How could they baptize anyone without a properly ordained minister to perform the baptism, and where could they find such a minister? In forming the Baptist church, one of the founding members had baptized Williams, who had baptized the remaining members. But now, Williams saw, he was not a true minister and could not conduct the ordinance of baptism. He saw no alternative but to withdraw from his so recently acquired Baptist brethren. They were trying to create a garden out of a barren wilderness of the world and had set upon an illusive quest for a church that had died and would remain dead until God resurrected it in the last days."

Jesus said this: Acts 20:29 "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock"
Roger Williams talks about barren wilderness and lack of the beautiful garden, which is the church. It is described in like terms by Amos, 8:11 "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD"
But Roger Williams also foresaw a day when God would resurrect the church in the last days which is also consistent with the Bible Isiah 2:2,3 "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us ago up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."
This next passage is one of my favorite Roger Williams quotes, because it shows how diligently he searched for Christ's Church, but was unable to be satisfied that it was on the earth in the 1600s and how he knew as a biblical scholar, that there was a need for a restoration of authority to perform ordinances like baptism and there were no missionaries or "messengers to the nations" possessing an authentic message (mine not Hall):
"In the poor small span of my life, I desired to have been a diligent and constant observer, and have been my self many ways engaged in city, in country, in court, in schools, in universities, in churches, in old and New England, and yet cannot in the holy presence of God bring in the result of a satisfying discovery, that either the begetting ministry of the apostles or messengers to the nations, or the feeding and nourishing ministry of pastors and teachers, according to the first institution of the Lord Jesus, are yet restored and extant."
"Williams saw no alternative but to wait patiently until God at length sent apostles who had the power to start new churches. Until that time, there was no one available either to start a church or to sustain it."

Intolerant Tolerant, Robert Redford Style.

Robert Redfords tolerant, right? Wrong. Here's what he said about mormons when speaking of Mitt Romney, "[mormons]are very adept at not being fazed and speaking fluently and gracefully. Why? Because every single male who's a Mormon goes on a mission for two years when they're 19 or 20. They learn how to deflect blows and stay on message. No wonder Utah is the place that all these Republican senators go. It's perfect. So when you see Mitt Romney, he's already been practicing how to deflect blows and stay on message. But it's plastic." Deseret News
There are so many problems with that statement that it's hard to know where to begin. First, I'm LDS and I never felt the slightest bit of pressure to go on a mission. I didn't go, my best friend didn't go so how is it that every single male goes? This just shows how either uniformed or deceitful he is. Second, if they do learn to "deflect blows and stay on message", it's because of intolerant people like Redford who create and spew the most vile lies about the Church and then constantly attack the missionaries with it. The missionaries, trying to follow the Savior and "preach nothing but repentance" aren't going to entertain, what they know are lies and designed just for the purpose of distracting them. Third, I have no clue what he's talking about when he says all the republican senators go to Utah. That makes a lot of non-sense. Finally, the most offensive statement, that mormons are plastic. I find this the most amusing coming from an actor, AN ACTOR!! His whole life is built on being fake. "Deflect blows and stay on message"? What a joke. Wait a minute, didn't he support the Clinton's, the epitome of fake? Didn't he support Al Gore, who literally took lessons from Hollywood, to appear more hip, to convince people he's something that he's not? Hollywood is one big illusion. But despite the obvious hypocrisy, can you imagine if Redford would have said that blacks or muslims are fake? This is his greatest acting job of all time, convincing people he's tolerant and non-judgemental when in reality, he stereotypes and tries to incite hatred and predudice against an entire group of people! Good job Robert, encore, encore!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Intolerant Tolerant Volume 6

This is from the WorldNetDaily:
"A mandatory University of Delaware program requires residence hall students to acknowledge that "all whites are racist" and offers them "treatment" for any incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality they might hold upon entering the school, according to a civil rights group."
"A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. 'The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the U.S. system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination….'"
Someone close to me had a similar experience at Gallaudet University. She was going back to school for her master's degree in her 60s and was assigned a lesbian room-mate, who made a pass at her. She took it to the school only after careful consideration and after she was sure there was impropriety. They told her she was "homophobic" and needed to take a test to see why she was so intolerant, a sort of "re-education".
When did liberals, become thought police. Are we living in the United States or the Soviet States? Anyone who knows this person of whom I speak, would attest to her tolerance and love. Apparently, in the schools eyes, she was the one in the wrong. If she was truly "enlightened", she would have just given into the advance and let this person have her way. It is the insidious liberal ideology of encouraging the individual to become what nature and their built-in weaknesses dictate, even if it destroys families, communities and nations (unless you're tendency is to worship God, then forget about it). It is the same with Delaware.
It reminds me of Andrei Chikatilo. He was a serial killer in the Soviet Union. He kept killing even though the state suspected it was him. The state would not accept that a good communist like Chikatilo could be a serial killer. After all, this was a communist utopia, things like that only happened in the "evil" United States.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Some Pictures of Natchaug Forest

My favorite thing about walking in the forests out here is that you find history that is being grown over by forests. (At one time, it was all deforested in New England). Sometimes you find old foundations, wells and mill foundations.

The Prayerful President

I just heard yesterday that Dennis Kucinich "had a close sighting over (Shirley MacLaine's) home in Graham, Washington, when (she) lived there. Dennis found his encounter extremely moving. The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind." pp.143-144, MacLaine, "Sage-Ing While Age-Ing".
This made me reflect upon another odd democratic nominee moment. Do you guys remember when it leaked that Hillary Clinton had been having conversations in the White House with Eleanor Roosevelt?
Now I ask, if Dennis Kucinich's brain is being enlightened by flying hovercrafts or some substance to induce such images and Hillary is not only "seeing dead people", but she is taking advice from them, why do supporters of these two candidates have such problem with a President of the United States getting on his knees and praying to a perfect, living God for guidance?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Newsweek Full of It

It always amazes me how supposed reputable publications can publish flat out lies and get away with it.
From the October 8, 2007 Newsweek cover story, "Mindful of the sway of evangelical Christians over the GOP base, he (Mitt Romney) has positioned himself as the candidate with conservative principles and strong faith, even adopting evangelical language in calling Jesus Christ his 'personal savior' (vernacular not generally used by members of the Mormon Church)."
This is just one line from the article and it is wrong in so many ways.
Issue number 1, he has POSITIONED himself as the candidate with conservative principles and strong faith? Hmmm, it couldn't be that he actually has strong faith could it?
Oh yeah, I forgot, to elitists there is no such thing as true faith. NEXT ISSUE!! Dennis Miller once said, speaking of nuclear proliferation, "color me reactionary, but I don't think you should be able to vote on this crap until you learn how to pronounce it." I think this is applicable here. You shouldn't be able to talk about someone else's religion until you actually have gone to their services and know what the heck your talking about. I mean, you're Newsweek and your getting your references from anti-mormons? Why is it that people with no clue about the "Mormon" Church always are the "experts". I don't know if these writers have ever even gone to a service or, ya know, actually asked a "mormon" what they believe, but I've been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since I was 8 (25 years) and I only hear people make reference to the Lord being their savior just, let's see, EVERY SERVICE. Let me site what the President of the Church said in his last talk to the world-wide church, speaking of Jesus Christ, "He was the great Creator. It was His finger that wrote the commandments on the Mount. It was He who left His royal courts on high and came to earth, born under the most humble of circumstances. During His brief ministry, He healed the sick, caused the blind to see, raised the dead, and rebuked the scribes and Pharisees. He was the only perfect man ever to walk the earth. All of this was part of His Father's plan. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He suffered so greatly that he sweat drops of blood as He pleaded with His Father. But this was all a part of His great atoning sacrifice. He was taken by the mob, appeared before Pilate with the mob crying for His death. He carried the cross, the instrument of His death. On Golgotha He gave His life, crying out, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).
His body was tenderly laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea. But three days later, on that first Easter morning, the tomb was emptied. Mary of Magdala spoke to Him, and He spoke to her. He appeared to His Apostles. He walked with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And, we are told, He was seen by some 500 others (see 1 Corinthians 15:6). . . . The next thing of which I am certain, and of which I bear witness, is the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without it life is meaningless. It is the keystone in the arch of our existence."(Gordon B. Hinckley, The Things of Which I Know, Apr. 2007.)
If that isn't saying the Lord is his "personal savior", I don't know what is.
Newsweek should get their facts straight.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mitt Romney the Man

Its funny that people always complain about corruption in DC. They want an honest man, they want an outsider, the want integrity. . . so they say, but do they? Well Mitt possesses all of these qualities, perhaps more than any candidate in over 150 years, but HILLARY CLINTON of all people is leading in a lot of the polls. The Clinton name in synonymous with corruption. Her name is too corruption as Yoko Ono's is to treachery, William Shattner's is to overacting and Miles Davis is to coolness, yet many love her. What's the deal?
Mitt has proven that he has the knowledge and leadership to fix financial disaster time and time again, but people are ready to turn the reigns over to someone who is going to steal even the china and artwork out of the White House.
Mitt has proven that he can reach out to both sides when he governed in the People's Republic of Massachusetts. Is there a more divisive figure than Hillary Clinton?
I just have to laugh when people talk about changing DC, but they are missing the opportunity with Mitt and ready to jump on the Hillary bandwagon, the epitome of establishment DC. What a joke.

Blog Censorship?

Does anyone have a line on this? Are they into censorship on blogspot? Do they only put material they like on the search engine? Cuz, dang. I've been posting and I can't find mine on there. Sure I can find total crap. I guess they only put you on the search engine if you say the f-word at least once? I guess they just can't stomach that discusting morality talk.

The Morality Map

Ok, I'm going to get up on my soap box for a second. Why did God give the Ten Commandments to Moses? Maybe its because the Israelites would have messed things up without them. Maybe they're important, but man people are in a hurry to go Mel Brooks on them. This isn't just figurative rhetoric, government is REALLY trying to purge the country of our "morality map". In Roger Williams Park in Providence Rhode Island they decided to take out a monument dedicated to the Ten commandments. This kind of intolerant non-sense is happening all over the country. Roger Williams who pretty much invented separation of church and state in America is now rolling over in his grave and they're using the energy to power Providence and Warwick in order to help solve global warming. I've read tons of William's PUBLIC documents (after all he is only, ya know, My great-grandfather and all) and he never misses an opportunity to quote God and the scriptures (its great material, liberals should try a little reading instead of burning for a change). But this post isn't about how liberals have totally screwed the true nature of separation of church to the point Roger Williams would no longer recognize the "hedge" of separation. This post is about what happens to a society when they take their chizel out and start destroying any reference to God. Its about the consequences of mocking and disregarding His laws of morality.
Jesus said that His paths are straight and narrow is the way, which leads to eternal life.
As a geography and GIS guy, I'll put this in geographical terms. If I go out in the woods and my GPS runs out of juice and I forgot to bring new batteries (I say this as if it has happened, wink wink nudge nudge), if I can't find the trail, I've got to invent a new one out of there. Now I'm sure I'm going to get out of that forest, because I have a good sense, but I'm coming out with a lot of mud, poison ivy, ticks and yellow jacket stings all over me. In the forest even with a good sense of direction you find yourself drifting off course. You think you're going north and you're drifting more and more to the east. If I wasn't a geographer, if I was my wife, I might not even make it out of that forest alive. I just might fall into an old farmer's well that has since grown over.
This is exactly what has happened in this crazy society. They're throwing away the GPS and maps and have no clue where that correct trail is. If they're not careful, they just might end up in Rochester.
Lacking a map, where do they go? In the forest when people have no other reference, they go to what looks more familiar. So it is with morality, people are inventing artificial measurments of morality, based on what they are most familiar with.
Don't believe me? Here are just a few examples of what people find to replace what they call "out-moded" morality:
Ideology - NOW and other feminist groups supported Bill Clinton through the Lewinski thing, because "he's done a lot for women". He has? Thats news to me. I know he's done a lot TO women.
Race - OJ Simpson, need I say more? It's cool if you murder someone just as long as you're, ya know, the right race. Ewww, I'm racist because I point this out, right? Just to bug the dishonest race baiters who measure morality with race, I heard Stephan Marbury call Michael Vick "a good man". What? What do you have to do to be a bad man? Oh yeah, you have to be white, I forgot. Dang that white-devil. "Excuse me, I can't help but noticing that you referred to me as 'white-devil'". And speaking of "white-devil", you could be Satan himself and go to Coeur d'Alene and they would think you were mother Teresa, because you were white.
Gender - Lifetime network, I'm lookin' in your direction.
And yet a new one.
Winning - Bill Belichick, the coach of the Patriots helped me to realize this one. It came to light that he was taping opposing teams signals. In other words, he was cheating his immoral butt off, but as he walked off the field following the first game after the scandal broke, the New England fans gave him a standing ovation. During the game they were talking about how they admired him so, because he cared so much about winning. What the heck? Need more examples of the winning "morality map"? Bobby Knight. He chocked a player and people defended him. This wasn't even the first such event. In fact, a LOT of people defended him. Why? Because he won.
I think this should be a new segment on my blog, because new examples occur everyday.
If you have some, submit!

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Only Thing I Know

2 Timothy
Chapter 4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

I've been thinking about how this is very true these days. We see fables all over the place (too many to list)and what is sad is how readily people buy into it and then call the truth fable and fables truth.
We were at church and a guy was saying that now that he is coming back to church his senses are peaked, its amazing how he looks around at people walking down the street and at work and its like they are zombies with no light in their eyes. They are spiritually dead, looking for the next drink or next pleasure and nothing more. He said he loves coming to church, because it is stark contrast.
I went on a tour at Toray and I could tell immediately that the tour guide was a good man, because he had that light I kept looking at him and wondering what faith he belonged to. I could tell that a family there was struggling, because they had little light left. Why would this be the case if there is no God?
People always want proof that there is a God, they insist on procuring the "proof" of worldly learning. You don't have to look far to see the proof and yet people want to believe fables and trust the "knowledge" they learn from professors and the so called "learned". I've found in my studies that you can tell whatever story you want in history and provide supporting "evidence". I wrote two opposing theses in the same semester on the same topic and received 'A' grades. You can make anyone a hero or a villain. You can make the United States noble or the "Great Satan".
The only thing I've learned I can trust as truth is that Jesus is the Christ and died for me and that I've felt the burden of sin lifted when I turn to Him and that He has restored the fullness of His gospel to the earth and lives and will come again soon. This is the only thing I KNOW, all that I've learned in school is theory.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Utah vs Utah State

Utah State 34, Utah 3
Go USU! This coming from a Utah grad.

BYU vs New Mexico

New Mexico is goin' down this Saturday.
BYU 83 - New Mexico 0

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Holy Crap! Near Death II.

Does lightning strike twice in the same place? Answer: Most definately yes, well, not the same place, perhaps not the same vehicle, but the same person. What the heck?
So no sooner do I get the post up about the brakes going out on the in-law's mini-van, that the brakes go out on the state truck.
We knew that the brakes weren't wonderful, but attributed that to Chevy, but yeah, they gave out.
Fortunately, we were in this commuter lot. I backed up and the brake suddenly went all the way to the ground and the truck rolled a little more. Brake fluid was flowing freely under the truck so we figured we better not continue our trip. Thank goodness we weren't on the road for that one, huh?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Near Death Experience

Here it is, the "Offramp from Hell". Several weeks ago now, Carissa and I were heading up to the Boston Temple. I had noticed some jolting going up I-395 in Connecticut and thought to check the tires, but figured it was just bad road. In retrospect, I think I had been riding the parking brake. It cleared up so I kept going. We drove probably 30 miles without having to stop or slow down.
When we came to this exit off 395 and 290 to get to I90 (Mass turnpike), I tried to slow down, but to my suprise the brakes had no effect at all and pushed to the floor, we kept going about 65 or 70. I was yelling that "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!" Carissa was surprisingly calm, she says "resigned to death". We went screeching and fishtailing around the corner. I was amazed that the van didn't flip over, utterly amazed. The back seemed to shift about 45 degrees in a split second. I'm convinced the back lifted off the ground for a second.
My next concern was: "now there are going to be cars stacked up at the bottom of this offramp and we are going to plow into them or I'm going to have to drive off into the trees and kill ourselves so we don't kill anyone else." I had no idea what was off the side of the road. A ledge maybe?
There were cars stacked, but fortunately, I saw a gap between the barrier and the cars so I took it, but this crossed into a two lane road with traffic both ways so thinking the only way to stop was to throw it into park, I did so thinking that it would destroy the van's tranny. Amazingly though, it didn't make a hideous sound and drop the transmission, like I expected and traffic seemingly opened just right. A car did have to slow down coming southbound and he honked, but we crossed the street and went into a gravel parking lot where the van came to a stop.
I immediately opened the door to see if there was anything wrong and a Mass staty pulled up.
"Where do you come off driving like that?! Do you know you almost hit 15 people?!"
I responded, "my brakes wouldn't work, I don't know what happened."
Still upset with me, he said "well do they work now? How did you stop?"
I said "I'm not sure, I put it in park maybe that did it. I don't know?"
"Well, does it work now?"
"I don't know"
The whole time, you know what was going through my head? I thought of the movie "We Were Soldiers". After he had this incredibly profound, intense and traumatic experience and had his "boys die", he had to face the press. They asked the colonel all these stupid questions that seemed incredibly pointless and inappropriate considering what he had just been through. He just looks at them in amazement and says nothing.
This is how I felt.
"Do I know I about hit 15 people? Duh, of course I do! Where were you? I'm the one driving."
He turned out alright. "Well if your van still works, wait a while, compose yourself and then you can go ahead."
Amazingly, it worked after we had been stopped for a half hour.
The transmission worked and the brakes worked so we finished our trip (maybe not the brightest thing, to keep going), but it was a neat temple experience.
After coming that close to death, it changes your perspective of the temple. That's for sure!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More Mohegan State Forest

The good thing about the forests in Connecticut is that they're beautiful! The bad thing is "watch out for ticks". Oh yeah, there is the small matter of, if you're not careful, you might end up down an old farmer's well. At one point, it was completely deforested out here and farms as far as the eye could see "old man Peabody owned all of it, had this crazy idea about breading pine trees" J/K (lil movie reference. Anyway, now it is all grown back, you can see the rock walls that used to separate the farms. A lot of times, one side will have dirt piled higher against the wall than the other. This indicates that, on the dirt side, there was a farm, on the non-dirt side, there was a pasture with cows or something. It is generally more rocky on the pasture side and their sometimes is a big tree which provided shade for the cattle. I'll include a pic with just such a tree, if you can find it.
PS God Bless America

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pictures of Mohegan State Forest in Connecticut

These pictures were taken when I was out groundtruthing in Mohegan State Forest.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Evil Spirit Teacheth a Man Not to Pray.

This is interesting. Do a search of "Don't pray about the Book of Mormon, that's how they get you." Apparently, this was put on the marque of a certain church that will remain nameless. If you want to know, you can do a google search and find it yourself.
When I heard this, I thought of the scripture that Roger posted on my blog a while back:
"And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Time Square

Here they are strolling through Times Square. This is about the only place, I feared we may lose track of them.
This can be a little overwhelming.

Grant's Tomb

James is in front of "Grant's Tomb". This is on the Hudson in Midtown.
The guide said that it was the least frequented tomb of any american president. Wow! What about Benjamin Harrison or Van Buren or someone like that?

Empire State James

James looks at lower Manhattan from his perch on the Empire State Building. The wind was blowing quite a bit up here and it felt good after being in the hallways with thousands of people.
James almost cracks a smile in this shot. It was torture getting him to smile. We had to have Hanna tickle him.

Statue of Liberty

Hanna and James with the Statue of Liberty behind them. We almost lost James on the ferry. I thought that maybe he was shark bait and had fallen off into the harbor.

Boston Tea Party

Here is kind of a nice shot from the deck of the tour boat. Boston Harbor is filled with boats of all kinds.
Looking this direction and to the right is where the Boston Tea Party happened.

Boston Harbor II

Hanna and James out by the USS Constitution looking back towards Boston across the Harbor.
By this time, they were both ready to eat their own arms off. Hanna might have done this, but I think James is probably a bit picky to eat his own arm.
You'll notice, they both sport a sticker. This was to show that they were part of the tour. They found that they had trouble keeping them on, because they both wanted it on their knee.

Sacred Grove

I've been to the Sacred Grove three times and I always feel a feeling of Awe there. I always am amazed to thing that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were both there and spoke with Joseph. I can't help asking, where did it happen, where did they stand?
Even though they did not necessarily touch foot on the ground, I always wonder if I'm near the spot.

James and Paul Revere

James Stands in Front of a statue of Paul Revere.

Old North Church

This is the "Old North Church" in Boston. We took this one from up the street by the cemetary. You can see the streets are narrow in this part of Boston.
This is the Church that Paul Revere put the lanterns in to warn against the Brits.

The Boston Massacre.

I thought this was a cool shot from the trolley in Boston. This is the building where colonists threw ice and snowballs at british sentries. The british in responce fired into the crowd and killed several people. One of them was actually a freed slave.
This event gave the American cause some great propoganda.

Moroni Trumpets the Gospel Where it all Began.

This is the trail from the Joseph Smith home to the Sacred grove to the west. This photo looks to the east. If you look really close, you will see the angel Moroni on the temple, trumpeting in the good news as he likes to do on all LDS temples.
You have to look really close. You can see the spire, but not so much the angel.

Mom, Me and Joseph's House

Here is mom and me and my gut, all three of us in front of the Joseph Smith home in Palmyra, New York. I thought it was a very spiritual experience being at the prophet's home with mom and my family. The temple is just behind the home, behind all the trees.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Boston Massacre

This is the building that the Boston Massacre occurred in front of. We got off the trolley here not realizing that that is what was significant about the structure. Mom took this picture, because she loved the statues on it.

Lizard King

James is the Lizard King, he can do anything! Again, this was taken very close to the Boston Massacre site and where we ate our McDonalds.


We were going to do the water taxi, but did the trolley tour instead. These water taxis go on the roads and right down into the water and across the harbor!

Mom and Me

Mom and I in Boston on the Trolley Tour.


This is right before James amused us all!
The tour guide was telling us about all the wonderful Italian food that is in Boston. Our mouths started to water and I turned around to talk to mom about getting some Italian food. James who is known for his picky eating habits wasn't having any of the that! He wandered up to the tour guide. I turned around and asked "where did James go?" I noticed he had gone up to the tour guide who was still talking Italian. I asked mom, "what is James doing?". Then the tour guide anwsered my question when he abruptly stopped his discourse and said "McDonalds?" and instructed James which stop to get off at. Needless to say, that is where we went. So we ate overlooking the site of the Boston Massacre, cheesburgers in hand! James and Hanna were amused that you had to pay to get into the bathroom. We're not in Utah anymore Toto.

The Constitution from the Harbor

We did a tour of the Constitution, but we only did the speed tour which was the upper deck. We thought it would be quicker and then we could get back on the tour boat and get some grub. We should have done the full tour, because they started way before us. They were well to the lower deck by the time we got to go aboard.
They have sailors stationed on it and it does go out to sea once a year. It has to in order to keep its commissioned status.
You can see the monument behind it. That is on Breed's Hill. This is where the first battle (after Independence had been declared) took place. It was a slaughter! That is where the 'don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes' came from.

Mast of the Constitution

James Fixes to Film

James is examining the camera to take a shot of the harbor. I was amazed at the sheer volume of pics these guys took (over 3000 pics). I'm trying to sort them, but its a chore. I think Hanna wanted to take a picture of every skyscraper in NY and Boston. She nearly succeeded!

Boston Skyline From Harbor

Someone took this shot from the boat in Boston Harbor.


Here they are again at Mystic lookin at the star fish (fishes?). Actually, that might be a crab.