Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Little Q and A

1. As I'm driving home from work today, someone has a big "O" with Obama written below it in crayon. It looks like a little kid was the artist and a proud parent posted it in the back of their car window. Question: Why am I the "cult member"?
2. Funny how our leftist friends are always running the "conservatives and their bumper sticker slogans" smack. I know, I know, we're stupid. One thing I've noticed up here in 'the Almost Great White North' is that it is always the left plastering their automobiles with stickers. So much so that you might think they are driving a 2008 Toyota "BuckFush" if you didn't know better. I'm going to start taking pictures and putting them up so you can see them (truly frightening). Sometimes I wonder if they ever forget what color car they originally purchased. Anyway, I'm on lunch break and this car is completely inundated with bumper 'art'. One of the stickers says "Men Rape". I'm like, "excuse me?" When I get closer I notice in small words "can stop". We're talking very small words, like in order to read it, you have to be out of the car after a fender bender, getting maced, solely because you are an evil white man, close. Question: Does anyone else wonder why no one can take feminists seriously? Is it possible that they come off a little; oh shall we say 'homicidal', towards men?
3. OK, I'm not at all calling Obama a communist (because heaven knows the left would never dream of calling me a fascist), but Glenn read something that was on the communist party website. He didn't tell his producer what the source was. As he read it, he kept asking who it was. "I don't know, it could be anyone from the Democratic Party". This wasn't exaggeration at all. It sounded just like liberal talking points, Bush destroyed us blah blah blah, Obama is our savior, because he has the 'audacity to hope', ya know all the standards. At the end, he revealed where it came from. Question: Doesn't it scare anyone that the communist party is defending Obama? Shouldn't that be the dead pigeon in nuclear sub that tells us we're all about to die! I know, we're not supposed to point that stuff out. We are supposed to give him our undivided loyalty, in the name of diversity and 'hope-idy changism' and all that, but I went on the communist site for myself and sure enough they are trashing republicans and lauding Obama as the conquering hero. I know, I know, I'm just a silly 'McCarthyist' conservative. You're not supposed to talk about how communism has failed time and time again and it usually ends up with millions in mass graves. That wouldn't be 'PC' so I'll just be qui (bam). . . .

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have an interview tomorrow with a company down in Houston.
I'm not sure how it will go, but if a hobbit can play for Notre Dame, against all odds, and even get into the game and register a sack against Georgia Tech, I can do it!!!