Sunday, December 2, 2007

Intolerant Tolerant, Robert Redford Style.

Robert Redfords tolerant, right? Wrong. Here's what he said about mormons when speaking of Mitt Romney, "[mormons]are very adept at not being fazed and speaking fluently and gracefully. Why? Because every single male who's a Mormon goes on a mission for two years when they're 19 or 20. They learn how to deflect blows and stay on message. No wonder Utah is the place that all these Republican senators go. It's perfect. So when you see Mitt Romney, he's already been practicing how to deflect blows and stay on message. But it's plastic." Deseret News
There are so many problems with that statement that it's hard to know where to begin. First, I'm LDS and I never felt the slightest bit of pressure to go on a mission. I didn't go, my best friend didn't go so how is it that every single male goes? This just shows how either uniformed or deceitful he is. Second, if they do learn to "deflect blows and stay on message", it's because of intolerant people like Redford who create and spew the most vile lies about the Church and then constantly attack the missionaries with it. The missionaries, trying to follow the Savior and "preach nothing but repentance" aren't going to entertain, what they know are lies and designed just for the purpose of distracting them. Third, I have no clue what he's talking about when he says all the republican senators go to Utah. That makes a lot of non-sense. Finally, the most offensive statement, that mormons are plastic. I find this the most amusing coming from an actor, AN ACTOR!! His whole life is built on being fake. "Deflect blows and stay on message"? What a joke. Wait a minute, didn't he support the Clinton's, the epitome of fake? Didn't he support Al Gore, who literally took lessons from Hollywood, to appear more hip, to convince people he's something that he's not? Hollywood is one big illusion. But despite the obvious hypocrisy, can you imagine if Redford would have said that blacks or muslims are fake? This is his greatest acting job of all time, convincing people he's tolerant and non-judgemental when in reality, he stereotypes and tries to incite hatred and predudice against an entire group of people! Good job Robert, encore, encore!!

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