Monday, October 1, 2007

The Only Thing I Know

2 Timothy
Chapter 4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

I've been thinking about how this is very true these days. We see fables all over the place (too many to list)and what is sad is how readily people buy into it and then call the truth fable and fables truth.
We were at church and a guy was saying that now that he is coming back to church his senses are peaked, its amazing how he looks around at people walking down the street and at work and its like they are zombies with no light in their eyes. They are spiritually dead, looking for the next drink or next pleasure and nothing more. He said he loves coming to church, because it is stark contrast.
I went on a tour at Toray and I could tell immediately that the tour guide was a good man, because he had that light I kept looking at him and wondering what faith he belonged to. I could tell that a family there was struggling, because they had little light left. Why would this be the case if there is no God?
People always want proof that there is a God, they insist on procuring the "proof" of worldly learning. You don't have to look far to see the proof and yet people want to believe fables and trust the "knowledge" they learn from professors and the so called "learned". I've found in my studies that you can tell whatever story you want in history and provide supporting "evidence". I wrote two opposing theses in the same semester on the same topic and received 'A' grades. You can make anyone a hero or a villain. You can make the United States noble or the "Great Satan".
The only thing I've learned I can trust as truth is that Jesus is the Christ and died for me and that I've felt the burden of sin lifted when I turn to Him and that He has restored the fullness of His gospel to the earth and lives and will come again soon. This is the only thing I KNOW, all that I've learned in school is theory.

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