Friday, October 5, 2007

Newsweek Full of It

It always amazes me how supposed reputable publications can publish flat out lies and get away with it.
From the October 8, 2007 Newsweek cover story, "Mindful of the sway of evangelical Christians over the GOP base, he (Mitt Romney) has positioned himself as the candidate with conservative principles and strong faith, even adopting evangelical language in calling Jesus Christ his 'personal savior' (vernacular not generally used by members of the Mormon Church)."
This is just one line from the article and it is wrong in so many ways.
Issue number 1, he has POSITIONED himself as the candidate with conservative principles and strong faith? Hmmm, it couldn't be that he actually has strong faith could it?
Oh yeah, I forgot, to elitists there is no such thing as true faith. NEXT ISSUE!! Dennis Miller once said, speaking of nuclear proliferation, "color me reactionary, but I don't think you should be able to vote on this crap until you learn how to pronounce it." I think this is applicable here. You shouldn't be able to talk about someone else's religion until you actually have gone to their services and know what the heck your talking about. I mean, you're Newsweek and your getting your references from anti-mormons? Why is it that people with no clue about the "Mormon" Church always are the "experts". I don't know if these writers have ever even gone to a service or, ya know, actually asked a "mormon" what they believe, but I've been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since I was 8 (25 years) and I only hear people make reference to the Lord being their savior just, let's see, EVERY SERVICE. Let me site what the President of the Church said in his last talk to the world-wide church, speaking of Jesus Christ, "He was the great Creator. It was His finger that wrote the commandments on the Mount. It was He who left His royal courts on high and came to earth, born under the most humble of circumstances. During His brief ministry, He healed the sick, caused the blind to see, raised the dead, and rebuked the scribes and Pharisees. He was the only perfect man ever to walk the earth. All of this was part of His Father's plan. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He suffered so greatly that he sweat drops of blood as He pleaded with His Father. But this was all a part of His great atoning sacrifice. He was taken by the mob, appeared before Pilate with the mob crying for His death. He carried the cross, the instrument of His death. On Golgotha He gave His life, crying out, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).
His body was tenderly laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea. But three days later, on that first Easter morning, the tomb was emptied. Mary of Magdala spoke to Him, and He spoke to her. He appeared to His Apostles. He walked with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And, we are told, He was seen by some 500 others (see 1 Corinthians 15:6). . . . The next thing of which I am certain, and of which I bear witness, is the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without it life is meaningless. It is the keystone in the arch of our existence."(Gordon B. Hinckley, The Things of Which I Know, Apr. 2007.)
If that isn't saying the Lord is his "personal savior", I don't know what is.
Newsweek should get their facts straight.

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