Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Morality Map

Ok, I'm going to get up on my soap box for a second. Why did God give the Ten Commandments to Moses? Maybe its because the Israelites would have messed things up without them. Maybe they're important, but man people are in a hurry to go Mel Brooks on them. This isn't just figurative rhetoric, government is REALLY trying to purge the country of our "morality map". In Roger Williams Park in Providence Rhode Island they decided to take out a monument dedicated to the Ten commandments. This kind of intolerant non-sense is happening all over the country. Roger Williams who pretty much invented separation of church and state in America is now rolling over in his grave and they're using the energy to power Providence and Warwick in order to help solve global warming. I've read tons of William's PUBLIC documents (after all he is only, ya know, My great-grandfather and all) and he never misses an opportunity to quote God and the scriptures (its great material, liberals should try a little reading instead of burning for a change). But this post isn't about how liberals have totally screwed the true nature of separation of church to the point Roger Williams would no longer recognize the "hedge" of separation. This post is about what happens to a society when they take their chizel out and start destroying any reference to God. Its about the consequences of mocking and disregarding His laws of morality.
Jesus said that His paths are straight and narrow is the way, which leads to eternal life.
As a geography and GIS guy, I'll put this in geographical terms. If I go out in the woods and my GPS runs out of juice and I forgot to bring new batteries (I say this as if it has happened, wink wink nudge nudge), if I can't find the trail, I've got to invent a new one out of there. Now I'm sure I'm going to get out of that forest, because I have a good sense, but I'm coming out with a lot of mud, poison ivy, ticks and yellow jacket stings all over me. In the forest even with a good sense of direction you find yourself drifting off course. You think you're going north and you're drifting more and more to the east. If I wasn't a geographer, if I was my wife, I might not even make it out of that forest alive. I just might fall into an old farmer's well that has since grown over.
This is exactly what has happened in this crazy society. They're throwing away the GPS and maps and have no clue where that correct trail is. If they're not careful, they just might end up in Rochester.
Lacking a map, where do they go? In the forest when people have no other reference, they go to what looks more familiar. So it is with morality, people are inventing artificial measurments of morality, based on what they are most familiar with.
Don't believe me? Here are just a few examples of what people find to replace what they call "out-moded" morality:
Ideology - NOW and other feminist groups supported Bill Clinton through the Lewinski thing, because "he's done a lot for women". He has? Thats news to me. I know he's done a lot TO women.
Race - OJ Simpson, need I say more? It's cool if you murder someone just as long as you're, ya know, the right race. Ewww, I'm racist because I point this out, right? Just to bug the dishonest race baiters who measure morality with race, I heard Stephan Marbury call Michael Vick "a good man". What? What do you have to do to be a bad man? Oh yeah, you have to be white, I forgot. Dang that white-devil. "Excuse me, I can't help but noticing that you referred to me as 'white-devil'". And speaking of "white-devil", you could be Satan himself and go to Coeur d'Alene and they would think you were mother Teresa, because you were white.
Gender - Lifetime network, I'm lookin' in your direction.
And yet a new one.
Winning - Bill Belichick, the coach of the Patriots helped me to realize this one. It came to light that he was taping opposing teams signals. In other words, he was cheating his immoral butt off, but as he walked off the field following the first game after the scandal broke, the New England fans gave him a standing ovation. During the game they were talking about how they admired him so, because he cared so much about winning. What the heck? Need more examples of the winning "morality map"? Bobby Knight. He chocked a player and people defended him. This wasn't even the first such event. In fact, a LOT of people defended him. Why? Because he won.
I think this should be a new segment on my blog, because new examples occur everyday.
If you have some, submit!

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