Thursday, August 16, 2007


This is right before James amused us all!
The tour guide was telling us about all the wonderful Italian food that is in Boston. Our mouths started to water and I turned around to talk to mom about getting some Italian food. James who is known for his picky eating habits wasn't having any of the that! He wandered up to the tour guide. I turned around and asked "where did James go?" I noticed he had gone up to the tour guide who was still talking Italian. I asked mom, "what is James doing?". Then the tour guide anwsered my question when he abruptly stopped his discourse and said "McDonalds?" and instructed James which stop to get off at. Needless to say, that is where we went. So we ate overlooking the site of the Boston Massacre, cheesburgers in hand! James and Hanna were amused that you had to pay to get into the bathroom. We're not in Utah anymore Toto.

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