Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cadence, November 8

I love these pictures! I took some pictures of my mom on speaker phone talking to Cadence. It was awesome! She seemed a bit confused why a phone with no face was speaking to her and she let out a suprised "oh" sound. It was so cute!! She is also getting geared up for the BYU-SDSU game today. (courtesy of Chris) She is the youngest BYU cougars fan in the world! GO COUGARS!!
Its funny everyday I think she looks like someone else. The first night, I thought she looked like grandma Lyon and then in the morning I thought she looked like grandma Sperry (who proudly holds her in the picture). In these pictures I think she looks an aweful lot like my dad, grandpa Douglass.

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Cadence Pics!

Cadence, My Cause and There Is Few Greater!

Cadence! Oh Cadence, the love and joy of my life. I can't believe you're finally here and I get to take care of you now. I can't tell you how humbled and awed by this responsibility and how it's changed my perspective on everything!
You were born in one of the most unusual and extraordinary weeks in American if not world history! We saw people putting all their hopes and dreams in one man and feeling like their cause was the most significant cause in the world. I have to tell you Cadence, I'm not impressed. My cause is greater than this, I have you! I have you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here She Comes!!!!

Carissa's water just broke! It was almost an hour ago. The hospital told her to wait until she starts having contractions. Not to come in until about 7am!
Its funny, because I've been telling Carissa how cool it would be if her name is Cadence and she is born on the 6th which is John Phillip Sousa's birthday!
She is destined to be a musician!

Is it just me?

I keep hearing about how everyone feels! The feel this, they feel that. Someone called into a radio show the other day and said they were walking on a college campus and he was accosted by college students telling him not to think, but to go with his feelings in this election! It occurs to me that I'm always told as someone having religion as an important aspect in my life, that I feel and don't think. So religion is faith, hope and not reason then what is this devotion to Obama? Hey me, don't think about it, just hope and feel. Today, I was listening to a sports talk show today based in SLC, the talk show host kept talking about how something big is on the horizon and everyone can feel it. This is a point that I might agree with him on, I can feel something in the air, but I would ask the question, is this event good or bad? I think in everyone's desire to hope really hard for change and not think about what kind of change, we just might get it. It occurs to me that economic times were hard, really hard in 1933 Germany. People hoped really hard for change then. They believed really hard that one man would change it all and deliver them from the oppressive times they lived in. They hoped for change so hard in 1917 Russia, because things were so bad. They put their trust in one man and his movement and tried really hard not to think about what he was saying about religion. Likewise, people don't seem to care about what Obama says about religion being the opium of the masses. They seem to only care about what he says in a scripted speech or how his charisma and personality seems to infuse them with a lot of hope. Today I heard him talking about how the constitution was a good guideline to get us here, but that we really didn't need it anymore. Wake up, America! Listen and stop feeling. I've heard many similar comments, like how the Warren Court was not too extreme and his regret is that it didn't get rid of some of those pesky constitutional rules about property. Listen people, wake up! Now we have a government that thinks they are smarter and so enlightened. Are they really smarter than the founding fathers who, ate, drank, and slept government and studied human nature? They devised the best system the world has ever seen for keeping us balanced squarely in people's law between tyranny and anarchy. Unfortunately, this cult of personality that prevails sanctimoniously asserts that they are so much more enlightened as if somehow human nature changes. I tell you, if I'm judging enlightened by the 'progressives' I work with, this is a truly frightening assertion. People who would be ok with the government stepping in and regulating how many children couples should have.
Nevertheless our modern progressives tell us that they are so much thoughtful and enlightened than our founders, yet they spend all their time playing XBox and watching MTV and Comedy Central, blissfully ignorant of governments of antiquity. They are so enlightened, that they have figured out a way to enhance their ability to feel, their senses have evolved along with their huge brains. So stop thinking America, stop believing in the Constitution and trust our enlighted elite. Stop thinking about constitutionality and government and the rule of law and just hand it over to our ultra-intelligent college students and professors (snicker). Back to my radio show host for a second. He said he wept when Obama won the election. So am I the only one creeped out by all the feeling the went into this election and the cult of personality?
I have never in my life seen such hero worship with a presidential candidate. When Obama won the election. People were literally running around jumping and cheering at my office in Lebanon, New Hampshire. They pretty much stopped working for the last 2 hours. They were singing "We are the Champions". I have felt excitement and disappointments before and after elections, but I have never had that reaction. It is like a religious experience for many people. Since when did we start worshipping our public servants! He is a politician for crying out loud!!!
Why do we need to exalt anyone? Let God do that. When the wanted to call Washington His Highness or His Excellancy or even King, he said NO, "Mr. President" to indicate he was just a citizen and no better or smarter than any of us. Boy things have changed this week! My brother said he heard on the radio a man who was asked "is Obama your Savior"? He wouldn't say no! He avoided the question.
Well, too late to stop and think whether our change is going to be good. All we can do now is hope.
OK forget this, My wife's water just broke!!
Here comes baby!

Worst Teams in College Football!

So I've done the best. Here are the worst teams according to my formula!
(Margin of Victory * Opp pct) + avg per game (Opp Margin of victory * their opponents wim pct) + (5pts * opp win pct)/ games played.
Congrats to the Vandals. You are the worst in D1 football, but Washington State is not far behind!

1- Idaho -15.11
2- Washington St. -14.59
3- N. Texas -12.72
4- SDSU -10.96
5- UAB -10.91
6- Miami (Oh) 8.93
7- La Tech -7.95
8- W. Kentucky -7.92
9- M Tenn St. -6.77
10- La Monroe -6.63
11- UCF -6.49
12- E. Michigan -6.40
13- Kent St. -6.39
14- Mississippi St. -6.18
15- FIU -5.61
16- Army -5.44
17- Tulane -5.39
18- Toledo -4.94
19- Utah St. -4.92
20- SMU -4.45
21- NMSU -4.41
22- Wyoming -4.22
23- Baylor -3.88
24- Marshall -3.61
25- FAU 3.36
26- Indiana -3.25
27- Washington -3.18
28- Memphis -3.10
29- La Laf -3.06

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hitler's Rise to Power!

We often forget, but I hope we won't that when Hitler came to power in Germany, it was a republic!
"Upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler was the consensus successor. With an improving economy, Hitler claimed credit and consolidated his position as a dictator, having succeeded in eliminating challenges from other political parties and government institutions."
The creation of the Nazi Dictatorship came in three phases.
1. "Nazi domestic policy can be broken into three phases beginning with 1933-34. During these years, Hitler consolidated his authority through the destruction of all other political parties, "coordination" of all aspects of German life, and the liquidation of dissent among Nazis and conservatives."
-Created a terrorist act against the Reichstag (parliament) and blamed it on the opposition.
-Harrassed political opponents. Didn't allow opponents to take seats.
-Enabling Act. Allowed Hitler to:
article 1 and 2- Allowed the government to depart from the constitution.
- Nazi Party became only legal party (in other words a one party system).
- Required armed forces to take an oath to Hitler.
- Nazi's disallowed "enemies of the state" from teaching in Universities, or being pysicians, lawyers and boycotted their shops.

Phase II- "focused on the militarization and conversion of all Germans to enthusiastic support of National Socialism."

Phase III- "was characterized by rapid, bloodless diplomatic and military strokes to win applause at home while liquidating opposition elements in the military and churches."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Unbiased Rankings 11-2-2008 for College Football.

Once again, to attempt to undermine the BCS by having a common sense approach to rankings. To take the bias out of the system, here are rankings based purely on numbers as of 1:00 am EST 11-2-08.

Simple Margin of Victory * opp win pct against D1
1- Florida 17.20
2- Texas 12.26
3- Oklahoma 9.99
4- Penn State 9.97
5- Missouri 9.49
6- USC 9.41
7- Boise 8.84
8- Texas Tech 8.72
9- Tulsa 7.84
10- TCU 7.29
11- Oklahoma St 6.95
12- Ohio St 6.56
13- Alabama 6.46
14- Georgia 6.43
15- UNC 6.18
16- Utah 5.88
17- BYU 5.68
18- Ball St. 4.90
19- Kansas 4.87
20- Iowa 4.24
21- Nebraska 3.76
22- Arizona 3.5
23- WVU 3.47
24- Minnesota 3.42
25- California 3.35

Conferences for same (avg. per team)
1- Big 12 3.48
2- SEC 2.52
3- Big 10 2.04
4- ACC .86
5- Big East .61
6- Mountain .19
7- PAC 10 -.96
8- MAC -1.56
9- CUSA -2.39
10- WAC -2.55

Douglass Rating (Margin of Victory * opp D1 pct) + Avg of opp(margin of victory * their opponents D1 win pct) + (5pts for win * opp win pct)/ games played.

1- Florida 20.78
2- Texas 18.2
3- Oklahoma 14.59
4- Texas Tech 13.23
5- Missouri 13.23
6- Penn State 12.84
7- Georgia 11.88
8- Ohio St. 11.58
9- USC 10.69
10- Boise St. 9.70
11- UNC 9.32
12- Oklahoma St 8.32
13- Alabama 8.16
14- TCU 8.08
15- Nebraska 6.6
16- Utah 6.58
17- Kansas 6.07
18- Miami Fl. 5.93
19- Arkansas 5.64
20- Mississippi 5.59
21- Minnesota 5.57
22- Wisconsin 5.23
23- Uconn 5.12
24- BYU 5.05
25- Virginia 5.01

Conferences for same (avg. per team)
1- Big 12 6.33
2- SEC 4.89
3- Big 10 4.47
4- ACC 2.77
5- Big East 2.09
6- Mountain .71
7- PAC 10 .08
8- MAC -1.98
9- CUSA -2.60
10-WAC -3.22

Gold Stars System – Each team gets a gold star for every D1 win of their opponent. Example, Utah got 4 gold stars today, because UNM has 4 D1 wins.

1- Texas 38
2- Florida 30
3- Texas Tech 28
4- Oklahoma 27
4- Alabama 27
4- Utah 27
4- Penn St 27
4- Michigan State 27
9- Boise State 26
10- Ohio St. 25
10- Georgia 25
10- TCU 25
13- Pittsuburgh 24
14- USC 22
15- California 21
15- UNC 21
17- Oklahoma St. 20
17- Missouri 20
19- Virginia 19
19- Minnesota 19
19- Vandy 19
22- C Michigan 18
23- Northwestern 17
23- BYU 17
23- Uconn 17
23- Miami 17
27- Navy 16
27- Tulsa 16
27- Nebraska 16
27- Wisconsin 16
31- Ball St. 15
31- Maryland 15
31- Virginia Tech 15
31- Cinncinnati 15
31- WVU 15
31- Stanford 15

Conferences for same (avg. per team)
1. Big 12 16.5
2. Big 10 15.8
3. SEC 15.2
4. Big E 13.6
5. ACC 13.1
6. MWC 12.2
7. PAC10 10.2
8. WAC 9.0
9. MAC 7.8
10.CUSA 6.9