Monday, December 18, 2006

Watch Monk on USA!

Since the mission statement of this blog is to seek after things that are praiseworthy, I would be remiss if I didn't post Monk, which by the way will air a brand new episode Friday at 9est on the USA network. If you haven't seen Monk, it is definitely worth watching. It is clean, wholesome and funny!
You can tell a lot about the show by this one clip. It is not the best scene from the Monk series certainly, but it'll do. You can tell by this that he is 1. a detective 2. almost non-functionally OCD 3. a prude and 4. very smart!
Tony Shalhoub plays the part of Monk and ex-detective turned private consultant. The reason he is so good at his job is that the smallest thing bothers him as you can see in this clip. He has one of the worse cleanliness fetishes ever and he wouldn't be able to function if he didn't have a side-kick with him 24-7 providing wet-wipes. It makes for good stories and good laughs! So if you haven't started watching it, GET ON IT!

1 comment:

CC said...

just waiting on Detox