Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Am I self righteous?

I feel that an explanation is in order here. Someone seemed to think the title of my blog was a little self-righteous so I felt like I needed to explain a little.
When I set up the blog, I was thinking of the Sean Connery's line in the Indiana Jones movie when they were in Nazi Germany, "we are Pilgrims in an unholy land my boy!" I was thinking about this because of all the name calling on the Internet. I flipped it around since it seems, I'm one of the few conservatives left on the Internet or so it seems. Even though my address was pilgrim in an unholy land, I called the blog, "The C-Dog Blog", but I found out that that name was being used. Wanting to be somewhat original, even though I stole the line from a movie, I thought it would be appropriate. The Internet is after all a giant wasteland of filth. It is an "unholy land". That is my explanation now I feel a little better. Ah! Thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought you were referring to Rhode Island. Now I get it. By the way, my company makes a great product for people that want to filter out all that "un-holy" stuff. It's free for home users.

Never miss an opportunity to plug your product. Thanks for the spam-ortunity. :)