Saturday, December 6, 2008

Intolerant Tolerance

It strikes again!
So I'm at work and someone comes over and starts talking about an artist. Unfortunately, I missed the name of the artist. He said, "it is good although it gets a little 'christian' at times". Someone said "a talented christian, isn't that an oxy-moron?" I just ignored it and rolled my eyes although I should've said tell that to "Johnny Cash, C.S. Lewis or JRR Tolkien!" Not to mention the inventor of the TV, mormon and BYU alum, Philo T. Farnsworth and Gladys Knight is a mormon, etc. Not to mention that most the General Authorities of the LDS church are doctors and lawyers and everyone in my congregation are doctors, lawyers and engineers.
Then we go into a meeting and they start talking about how Sam and Froto were having some sort of extra-hobbital relationship. I assume they were just kidding, but who knows. Someone said, "well Sam did get married at the end." "That was just his cover", said someone else. Then they started talking about how it's the 21 century and we're all accepting of other people. After which someone spoke of a large mormon family, just a passing reference and the same woman who talked about being accepting of other people said "I would make a comment, but we're at work."
Oh brother! You know what, don't pee in my cup and tell me it's lemonade. The sheep's clothing is getting pretty thick up near the Great White North. Now I know what Jesus was talking about when he said "blind leaders of the blind." People can be extremely vile and insulting to christians, then 10 minutes later in a meeting talk about how wonderfully tolerant they are. Fortunately, I belong to a religion that is routinely demeaned, by our intolerant tolerant so it is easy to have a bull crap detector aboard. I've detailed the many anti-christians comments I've heard since I've been in New England. I'm grateful to belong to our religion which teaches that no one is truly tolerant nor should we be of everything, but that we should aspire to love everyone. Jesus threw the money-changers out of the temple, yet he loved the people enough to die for them. When I came home, I taught my daughter her first spiritual lesson. I told her, even if she doesn't understand yet, that if any philosophy is presented to you, whether political or otherwise and tells you that they are good and tolerant, don't believe it for a second. Jesus said, "why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God". I think I finally understand that scripture. He also said, "beware of those who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves, you will know them by their fruits." The same people I've heard at work talking about being accepting, gossip bitterly and relentlessly about others.
Cadence don't be deceived my little sweetheart!

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