Monday, July 16, 2007

Al Gore, the Savior? What the Heck?

Ok, this is a startling development. My lesson in Elder's Quorum next week is "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me!". I keep hearing people, particularly in Hollywood lately refer to Al Gore in quazi-religious terms, almost as if he possesses messianic qualities. Yesterday, I decided to do a Google search "Al Gore" and savior. Do you know how many hits I received? 308,000!! Today I googled it again. 316,000!! This is a disgusting development. We are warned that in the last days that many false Christs would emerge and deceive many. Could this be fulfilment of this prophecy?
I'm grateful for the knowledge we have as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that the real Savior lives!! That we don't have to worry about the ill effects of global warming, that we don't have to depend on Al Gore to save us all as long as we follow Lord, Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that Joseph Smith taught us that Jesus Christ is the only way to live with Heavenly Father!

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