Monday, April 30, 2007

Roseanne Barr's Comments

Its difficult to even allow this diatribe on my blog. It is without a doubt the biggest crock of lies I have ever seen in my life. Wow! Anyone that knows anything about the religion will know this. Every single sentence in there is obscenely wrong, so wrong that I don't even find it necessary to dispute. It discredits itself. All I can say is that if you google "Rosanne Barr" and "Mental Illness" you get a plethora of hits and I'm sure that is where this rant stems from. I'm sorry Rosanne that you are so mislead. If you would turn to Jesus Christ, I know your mind would be healed greatly and it would be enlightened. The Lord loves you and "Mormons" are your brothers and sisters even if you have forgotten.

This was taken from Rosanne Barr's blog at and was posted January 5, 2007:

Let's turn our attentions to the following, instead of faulting each other.....

Mitt Romney is the devil himself, and the church has been working for forty years to elect one of its own to the highest office of this country, while trying to keep things hush hush about its practices of plural and child marriage... mitt romney's temple vows are to uphold plural (child) marriage in heaven, even if prevented from doing so on earth. These are the people who oppose gay marriage too, by the way, I believe as a red herring to keep their own version of 72 virgins in heaven (multiple wives) out of the public eye. They began their anti gay marriage drive when women polygamists starting speaking up about the reality of living in Utah and Wyoming and anywhere else in the west where mormons rule. I believe they oppose gay marriage because the term CONSENTING ADULTS would be in its definition, thereby committing to law that to marry a MINOR would for once be a punishable infraction in Mormon held states. Mormons still want to marry their youngest nieces, ( age 8 ) exactly like their taliban twins do. The Mormons are the most fundamental of all the fundamentalists on earth.. they put the MENTAL in fundamental...Only fifteen years ago they agreed that blacks are human and they still think that all jews need to die to bring christ's return... a horrifying hoax of a crusade against islam and judaism, and actually christianity too... they own almost all of ITT, almost every insurance company in america, and thousands upon thousands of companies that give money to anti-feminist anti democratic groups in this country and around the world. Their worst nightmare is equality and birth control for women. They believe that they are called to "save" America from jews, gays, and leftists. They gave the most money to the evangelical movement, which was spawned by their experiments on gay boys at byu in the 60-70' clockwork orange, this is what they did to gay boys... and they also kick out their gay sons at age 13 to live on the streets, where a large majority end up as child prostitutes..(according to some of them, their biggest clientele is Mormon men).. It is the sickest thing on this earth, and if that was not enough, most of the aryan nations and american nazi movements are manned by mormons too.

Spread the mitt romney word, because it will really be too late if he is allowed to go mainstream any more than he has already.

Where do I even start with this one? I guess all I can do is remember Roseanne in my prayers and consider the reasons Tom Arnold left her.


C. Dog said...

The good thing is that this can only do good for the church, because rational, honest people know this is a crock from top to bottom and they will want to look into it for themselves.

Louise Lyon said...

Wow good comment, Clint. Anyone who knows anything about the Church of Jesus Christ will know everything Roseanne said is a lie. I guess she wants to make fear, anger, and defense. I have recently realized it is better to not defend yourself when being attacked with lies. Jesus kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Louise Lyon said...

Wow good comment, Clint. Anyone who knows anything about the Church of Jesus Christ will know everything Roseanne said is a lie. I guess she wants to make fear, anger, and defense. I have recently realized it is better to not defend yourself when being attacked with lies. Jesus kept his mouth shut and said nothing.