Saturday, April 28, 2007

Intolerant Tolerant Volume 5

I was watching Glenn Beck last night and he brought to my attention yet another "intolerant tolerant" moment. Elton John has said that religion promotes hatred and "it's not very compassionate." He also said that he'd ban all religion because it turns people into hateful lemmings. So Elton John cares about compassion and he doesn't want us to be hateful? He wears that sheep's clothing so nicely, they match really nicely with his pink glittery star sunglasses don't they? While at Madison Square Garden celebrating himself during his 60th birthday, the sheep's clothing came off for a little while. During the concert, Elton John displayed images of burning churches on stage.
First of all, let me just say I agree with the Savior's admonition to love they neighbor as yourself. I don't believe people should hate someone because of their sins or their religious preference, but this whole "hate-speech" is one of the greatest farces ever created by man (or Satan). It is really a tool of for the wicked so they can define "hate speech" as any moral judgement. I thought this excerpt from a web site summed it up nicely. "The traditional media that insist on selecting speech and images to label as intolerant, should at least be even-handed. Why haven’t they covered this example of religious intolerance or “hate speech,” particularly when it is perpetrated by a celebrity who frequently “speaks out” against hate speech and who is a vocal supporter of self-described anti-bigotry groups like Human Rights Campaign?" (-News Busters
My favorite word in any language is "umkehren". This word literally means to turn around or change direction. When Lehi sent his boys back to Jerusalem, they "umkehren"ed. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this. I really believe that repentance is more about direction than position. It's like the parable in the Book of Mormon and the Bible about the laborers who agree to work in the field for the day for an agreed salary of talents. The laborers who have been working all that day, get upset when another laborer is brought in late in the day for the same number of talents. I think that is the distinction. Do we turn to Christ and labor in his field, no matter how late in life or no matter what our current state or "position" or do we turn away in open rebellion. These are who I consider to be wicked. That's not to say that they don't still have good qualities and limitless potential, even if Elton John hasn't decided to chase after his full potential. Why don't the intolerant-tolerant just turn around, its easy?

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