Friday, April 20, 2007

The Intolerant Tolerant Volume 4.

I hate to put this one on my blog because there is foul language. This is to be expected from Hollywood yes, but the recipient of this tirade might surprise you. Alec Baldwin went off on his 12 year old daughter calling her a "PIG". I can't believe anyone would talk to their kid like this. Holy Cow! I wouldn't even talk to my worst enemies this way. When I heard this, I thought back to an interesting conversation Larry King had with Rob Reiner. In this interview Larry King asked, "why do you think there are a disproportionate number of liberals in Hollywood?" Reiner responded that it was because artists were more in touch with their humanity than most people and that they were very sensitive people. I had to laugh a little when I thought about all the horrible things that Hollywood has said about Christians and middle America in general. I feel really sorry for his daughter, but I'm glad this phone call went public. It exposes the intolerance of the supposed "tolerant" as if we needed more proof. The sad thing is that people who agree with him politically, won't care one bit that he is in reality filled with hatred and they will make excuses for him the whole time chanting the mantra "tolerance" which is just a term to describe acceptance of leftist politics and rejection of anything conservative.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're the history major, I'm surprised you haven't figured this one out; it goes back to Joseph McCarthy. I'm not going to blame McCarthy for the communist witch-hunt that ensued in the 50s but in our society we have to give everything a name so, McCarthyism is the word that stuck. Because there were so many people trying to make a name for themselves by attacking trying to root out communism from Hollywood I would suspect that it alienated a lot of Hollywood stars and made a lot of them lean more to the left.

I personally am conservative because I feel that conservative America is more in alignment with my religious beliefs and values than the liberal left. I abhor abortion and cannot support a philosophy or political platform that states infantacide is "a woman's choice". However, I would suspect that most of Hollywood, being educated under the Marxist-Leninist tradition of our university system have had it pounded into their heads that God doesn't exist and that religion is the opiate of the masses, therefore abortion could never be infanticide because life doesn't happen until birth, right? As a Latter-day Saint I can tell you that we all existed before we were born "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)

Not to be an apologist for the Hollywood left, but I can certainly understand their emnity for the right in light of the horrors and fears that McCarthyism brought. The left's philosophy preaches that those that have more will have their wealth distributed to those that have less and all will be equals. I think Isaiah said it a whole lot better than I can, "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men." (Isaiah 29:13)