Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today what keeps rolling around in my skull somewhere between the two brain cells, one that keeps me breathing and the one I share with Chris, is that it is amazing that anyone believes the press. Or do they?
When I was a kid, my step-dad read us a book called, Mig-Pilot. The pilot escaped from the Soviet Union in a Mig and landed in Japan. He said that you could always tell more about the press by what they were not reporting. This has been ringing through my head the last couple of years. How often do we see stories like this stupid "octomom" and ask "why is this the most important story in such a crucial time?" Why doesn't the press report on what is really happening? Is it because we have the government doing incredibly irresponsible and controversial things right now and they're busy carrying oceans of water for them right now?
No one can seriously argue that they're not.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Yeah, well, you know what? I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that --

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is that your job? You just talked about being a journalist!

MATTHEWS: Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help this country.

I'm amazed that with some people if they see anything in print or in the media or on the Internet, they just accept it as gospel truth. I really wish everyone could be 'mormon' for a day, if they could they would see how full of Turkey turd the press is. It always amazes me what passes as 'truth' whenever they do a story about the church. Much of it is downright laughable and you're just left to think, "how can they get away with this BS?"
When I went to Idaho to high school, there was a law suit brought against the school for 'separation of church and state'. The ACLU was spearheading the action and it made the national news. The suit was brought by a disgruntled family who found a legal technicality, which they could use to beat up the superintendent with. Here was the situation: the school bought a building across the street, which had belonged to the LDS church. The church bought it with the proviso that they could use a classroom in the basement for seminary until the new seminary building was finished. The basement had no other use. The upstairs was used for band and drama. Since the seminary teacher knew that no one was ever down the hallway, except for church goers, he put pictures of temples and of Jesus Christ on the walls of the hall, either that or they'd never been taken down from the days it was just a church. This was a technical and legal gaff possibly, but certainly innocent and not intended to proselytize and none of the other non-LDS students thought twice about it. When I saw the reports on the national news, it was absolutely criminal the way it was being handled. They would show the pictures and say "the mormon church actually had pictures of mormon temples and Jesus Christ in the school building" making it seem like the church was forcing its religion on the students. They made absolutely no attempt to inform their viewers about details, making me wonder if it was ignorance, laziness or dishonesty.
This was the first chink in the armor for me. This was the first time that I saw for myself how blatantly dishonest the press was and how they could report something with a strain of truth, but spin it until it became an absolute lie.
Of course this is because the press was not interested in a discovery of the truth, but rather to advocate a secular agenda.
When the press becomes all about advocacy and not at all about discovery, you know our freedom is doomed. It is even more dire when the general public knows the press is lying, but they just don't care because they are in agreement with the ideology.
I grew up watching CNN and MSNBC, shows like Crossfire. It didn't take a genius for me to see that they were blatantly bias, heck if I could tell with my two brain cells, then anyone could see it. It was little things like, "well yeah they have two conservatives and two liberals on the panel, but they always have it in a venue like George Washington University so that everything the conservative says will get jeered and the liberal will get a standing ovation and they have to spend 5 minutes calming the crowd after every point he makes". That was a helpful hint.
So in short, I have absolutely no confidence left in the media. I had a chink in the armor when I was a kid, then it was an ever growing credibility gap through my 20s. With the last election, the press sold out every single shred of credibility they had left, if any. I hope they like their candidate, because they bought him at an incredible price. Only the 20% of complete idiots or ideologues have reason to believe.
By the way, in case you're saying, "this is just sour grapes because his guy lost", I didn't have a horse in this race. I wrote in a presidential and vice presidential candidate, ones who actually believe in the constitution unlike John "let's nationalize all the mortgages" McCain and Barack "let's nationalize everything because I am the Alpha and the Omega and am here to save the universe" Obama.

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