Monday, May 14, 2007

Justin Taufer

Justin Taufer was my grandfather's brother. In 1977 he was shot and killed during an act of heroism in which he saved a young woman from being raped in Millcreek Canyon near Salt Lake City, Utah. I did a Google search on him and couldn't find much other than there is a park in Salt Lake City named after him and the Justin Taufer scholarship at BYU-Idaho for students that have performed an heroic act. I'm posting this here in hopes that another one of his relatives will do a Google search and find this and maybe put more details up.

From what I know, the lady was able to get away but was shot in the process but still survived. I don't know her name. I don't know the name of the shooter either. I was told that he was released from jail, but I don't know if this is correct. I do know that he was not sentenced to death as the murder was not pre-meditated.

I was seven when Justin Taufer was shot and killed. I have no recollection of ever meeting him. I do remember meeting his widow a few times.

To my brother, who runs this site, if this post contains too much personal information, please remove it.


11sandersinashoe said...

Hey! I appreciate this post. I am Hope Rva Taufer's granddaughter and was searching for more info about her brave brother. I was telling my kids about him, but I don't really know a lot. Thanks for your interest. Wish I could add something beyond my appreciation. I'll ask my mom if she knows anything. Who is your dad? He would be her cousin.

11sandersinashoe said...

Hey! I appreciate this post. I am Hope Rva Taufer's granddaughter and was searching for more info about her brave brother. I was telling my kids about him, but I don't really know a lot. Thanks for your interest. Wish I could add something beyond my appreciation. I'll ask my mom if she knows anything. Who is your dad? He would be her cousin.