Friday, March 30, 2007

Thank You Rosie O'Donnell!

The other day after Rosie said something about how this terrorist in Gitmo is a nice guy and the USA tortured him into making all these confessions, I told my wife that she was psychotic. My rage was piqued at the totally fraudulent and irresponsible comment. My wife and I got into a little bit of an argument over my questioning O'Donnell's mental health. Her mom joined the fray. I was really irritated and so I told her mom, "I know her type, she blames America for every possible ill in the world. Its a knee jerk reaction of these intellectually lazy academics and Hollywood elites. Next terrorist attack, it will be our fault because of Iraq." 'I READ THEIR BOOK!!!!' They both looked at me incredulously, the evil conservative that accuses liberals of treason because they don't agree with me. My mother-in-law said emphatically, "oh I don't agree with that!" I was in no mood to argue with liberals in denial though I thought in my mind, well who then are the traitors talked about in the bible who will abound in the last days. I just stared at the computer screen and shrugged my shoulders as she gave me a discourse on how hollywoodites are people too. I'm sure at one point Rosie was a human being, that is before she lost her soul.
When news broke that these unfortunate British soldiers were captured, I told my wife, "well now we can expect to hear Rosie on The View talking about how it is our fault and its Britain's fault somehow as if the Iranians have no accountability". I had no idea she was going to further validate my point by accusing our government of staging 911. I hate to use two Patton references in one post, but if I could track down Rosie, I'd pin a medal on her. Now I think, if my wife can't recognise that many on the left are indeed traitors, I'm going to start questioning her American credentials. Thanks Rosie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, you've been reading too many Ann Coulter books. :)

See my response to your Alec Baldwin post, I think that sums up my feelings for Hollywood. I'm not trying to be an apologist for them, but I think they are people with good, albeit misguided, intentions. Sure there are the ones with nefarious intent who want to serve no one but their own self, but you will find that on both right and left.

I'm not saying that I'm righteously inspired and someone else isn't, but look how mad people like Jeanine Garofalo get when they hear that President Bush prayed about Iraq. I almost suspect that they want us to fail in Iraq so that they can collectively ask Bush, "Where's your God now?" and mock him and a God that they do not believe exists.

I have something important to tell the left; the stuff in Exodus really happened, most historians accept the history of the Hebrews as fact. Pharoh didn't take the God of Moses serious and neither does Hollywood. Do you remember the plagues that happened in Egypt? The terrorism, pandemics, political unrest, etc are all signs from that great God of Moses, Abraham, the Jew, the Muslim, and the Christian, The Great I Am. Rosie O'Donnell et al, is your god greater than The Great I Am? If you could ask Ramses that question I think he would answer in the negative.