Monday, March 5, 2007

The Prophet, Joseph Smith

I'm listening to a book on tape, "The Prophet, Joseph Smith" by Truman Madsen. He mentions that Joseph Smith advised, "Weary the Lord until he blesses you." This is interesting to me because I was taught in Sunday School that if you pray too much it's taking the Lord's name in vain. I was taught that you should only pray in the Morning and Evening and at meal time. I was taught that the reason you wont be asked in church to say a prayer in every meeting is to prevent you from taking the Lord's name in vain. I had given a lot of thought to this and felt that it was wrong. I had prayed about it to know if it was correct. I now have my answer:

"Weary the Lord until he blesses you."

1 comment:

C. Dog said...

Yeah, I think thats wrong. It says in Alma to "pray always".