Friday, February 9, 2007

Divorce Rates in Utah (Cdog's Myth Buster Segment)

I always thought that the worst thing about living in Utah was that you had to put up with nattering-nay-bobs of negativity on a day to day basis. These Debbie downers would run their mouths every 2 seconds about how sucky Utah is. What a horrible place it is, how bad the drivers are (being in RI, believe me, I've seen worse). We'd hear about how bad the crime rate is "One of the highest in the country, worse than NYC", teen pregnancy rates "the highest in the country" and "the highest divorce rates in the country". Listening to these people, you'd think that Utah is inundated with men who drive around in a fit of pique, because they just got served with a paternity suite by the lawyer of an under aged girl, which caused the wife to physically assault and divorce them.
One of the reoccurring themes I would hear often and I admit that I believed it, because it was promulgated so frequently (even by my wife) was that "Oh, Utah has the highest divorce rate in the country!" Well, I did this map USING CENSUS DATA so you can check it if you'd like. This map shows that Utah has THE VERY LOWEST divorce rate in the entire USA. It still is much too high. 43%, but it is a lot lower than every state except North Dakota which is pretty close. I'm guessing the lack of TV and other electronic devises affords spouses an opportunity of spend time actually talking, thus the low rates in North Dakota.
Anyways, next I'll have to find teenage pregnancy and debunked that one. Myth #1 dispelled. Divorce rates in Utah are not comparatively high!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, you've got divorce spelled divorse on one of your maps.