Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Who is Truly Tolerant?

This last post made me think about an issue near and dear to my heart, the issue of tolerance. We hear this term more and more frequently these days and we see it less and less. My mother-in-law and my wife are both card carrying liberals. They were trying to convince me that most conservatives were taught to be intolerant. I didn't know exactly what to say at the time and for want of keeping the peace, I just nodded in agreement, but I think this is how I'd respond if the same conversation came up again. Yes, most conservatives are indeed intolerant as are almost all liberals. I've observed that often those people who are most vocal about the need for tolerance are the worst practitioners! Unfortunately, instead of practicing the true tolerance, that the Savior advocated, which meant perfect tolerance and love for people, but not tolerance for bad policy or practices (or for U of U fans). Instead, many would rather create their own definition, being selectively tolerant only to people they agree with and despising people who oppose them. This reminds me of Tammy Bruce's book, she talks about how many in the gay community literally broke out the bubbly when they found out Reagan had a horrible disease. As if to prove my point, the news just reported the defence that many are giving to the North Carolina State professor who called for a Caucasian genocide and it reminds me of the widespread support that Ward Churchill received when he implied that the victims of 911 deserved it calling them "little Eichmanns".
Actors in Hollywood constantly preach "tolerance" out of one side of their mouth, while the other side lashes out and defames people whom they disagree with "rednecks, idiotic, inbred" and the list of slurs goes on and on and is usually much more colorful. I remember when the bastion and shining example of "tolerance" Cal-Berkley signed off on a half-time show to be performed while BYU was in town. In the show they made fun of the mormon faith in the most condesceding ways imaginable and the crowd ate it up. Supposedly tolerant Cal fans hooted and hollered and poked fun at the mormons.
I wonder, is it "tolerance" they want or a reversal of the moral structures and norms in america, the only gauge of right and wrong being day time television and the philosophies of cultural icons. A great example of these "wolves in sheep's clothing" are those who created and liberally apply the term homophobes to others. This is a term created specifically for demeaning those who don't see the world as they do and is broadly applied (I wouldn't have a problem with the term if it was used to describe those who are homicidal towards homosexuals or even those who hate other people). However, with their definition of homophobia almost anything qualifies you. You don't have to be a Nazi placing a pink triangle on a homo-sexual to be a "homophobe", all you have to do in order to classify for this distinction is to say "you know what, wrong is wrong." To qualify for "enlightened" you have to say that immorality is morality and courage. You can even have close friends or loved family members who are homosexual, but if you don't deny Christ's teachings, you are not deserving of their "tolerance". If the "tolerance police" truly were tolerant, the term Christmas wouldn't bother them, they wouldn't be bothered if a child wanted to say a prayer in school or at a graduation, or if they wanted to read scriptures during free-reading time, they wouldn't be going around the country with a chisel taking the 10 commandments off of everything and changing all the names of towns with religious connotation. Its ironic that the "tolerance police" mock the one person in the history of the world that is truly tolerant (tolerance in its truest form, being patient and loving towards those who offend). They have no tolerance for Him or his gospel and try to stifle any dialog about Him or His life, becoming incensed when anyone has the audacity to release a movie about his life. Is this tolerance? I don't think that we as LDS should allow the "tolerance police" hijack "tolerance" language, only the Lord has a monopoly on that one.


Unknown said...

Hello Clint.

I would like to ask you to remove the quote and references to my post, unless you quote them correctly. What I was fretting about was the difficulty of human nature and the issue that passion and conviction may give rise to intolerance. Not tolerance in itself. I feel that I am being misrepresented by the way you edited my quote and I'd appreciate it if you removed it from your website.

Unknown said...

I appreciate it.

Unknown said...

just a question. how did you find my blog?

Unknown said...

Hello again Clint.
apologies if I am cluttering your cyberspace. I just thought I would let you know that I posted a more detailed entry on the topic that you misunderstood. Perhaps it is a clearer explanation of my views.

Unknown said...

Very well thought out argument. I agree that there is a huge degree of intollerance directed at Christians. I would even go as far to say that there's a phobia of Christianity and that's why the Christophobes don't want prayer in school or the 10 commandments on government buildings. This is intollerance and hipocricy in it's most pure form.