Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Glenn Beck is the Man and a Mormon!

I don't know if you guys knew but Glenn Beck, who has the third most popular radio show in America, is a Mormon. He is a recovering alcoholic and recovering liberal. Pretty much the same thing, clouded judgment, out of control bar tabs and anger issues.
I just heard him on CNN, oh yeah, he also has a TV show. The guy went alcoholic to workoholic. He was talking about how he used to drink and do drugs everyday, but the LDS church helped him to quit it all and turn his life around. His family is the center of his life now. KUTV did a special on him that he has been playing in parts on CNN. Yesterday, he joked self-deprecatingly that when he went into the font, he thought it was going to start boiling, because of all his sins. I got a kick out of that.
You should all start listening to him. He is funny, he's got 'tude, hes wicked smot (sorry been out here too long) and he likes to poke fun at the left, a good combination. They're so threatened by him on the left, they've already resorted to calling him a Nazi. Wait, you don't have to be a threat, you just have to be right of Fidel Castro to be a "Nazi" in the liberal book. Some guys blog said that he had lost all faith in CNN, because they put Glenn Beck on. Why? Because CNN is finally telling it from both sides a little bit after years of no voice from the right at all? Though sometimes, I cringe a little, because he might make a comment that is a little over the line, but that's why we all sing about Glenn around the campfire!


Unknown said...

hey clint,
look back on your post about tolerance and then repeat what you said about liberals and alchoholics. not to mention about calling anything right of fidel a nazi.
That's the problem I think, self-righteousness almost always results in hypocrisy.
if you think I'm being self-righteous myself, I disagree and say I'm only making observations about points you've made yourself. But I don't think this is the philosophical piece you asked me to comment on. I shall keep reading.

C. Dog said...

I was referring to the slew of anti-mormon and hateful statements about Glenn Beck on youtube and a comment that I read on a blog about how Glenn Beck was a Nazi. As far as the liberals and alchoholic comment, that was a joke, but I appreciate your input on this.

C. Dog said...
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C. Dog said...

I had to go back to my post and see exactly what I said. Here is the quote, "Yes, most conservatives are indeed intolerant as are almost all liberals. I've observed that often those people who are most vocal about the need for tolerance are the worst practitioners!"
"Only God has a monopoly on tolerance."
So I hope I wasn't being self-righteous. I know I'm not always tolerant. I was just saying that those who scream the loudest for "tolerance" are also the ones who scream "Nazi" at those they disagree with.

C. Dog said...

Also, I'm not sure that it is always best to be "tolerant". It IS ALWAYS BEST TO LOVE, but is it good to say that anything is OK? I'm not so sure.

C. Dog said...

I was thinking about how Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. This wouldn't have been considered very "tolerant" or politically-correct, but he knew it was wrong and he had to take a stand. I'm sure he still loved the money changers though.