Saturday, December 16, 2006

Another Example of the Intolerant Tolerant!

This is an interview with Bill Maher. This interview "made my agent orange act up"! I noticed Tony Snow was sitting right next to him. I thought he showed tremedous restraint by not taking his coffee mug and smashing it over Mahers head. I know I would've been tempted to! Maher espouses the view that if we were enlightened and tolerant, we would accept gay marriage and become Europe. He must be tolerant if he professes this, shouldn't he be? WRONG! In this interview, besides condescendingly inferring that all the "red states" are inherently stupid, says that religion "stops people from thinking". I guess that is why so many religious people are immensely successful layers, doctors, businessmen, inventors, politicians ect. He should note that if it were not for Philo T. Farnsworth (a Mormon and inventor of the TV), that he wouldn't be able to spout such non-sense. He says that religion is a "neurological disorder"! If religion is a neurological disorder, then most living or who have ever lived on the earth have this strange ailment. Isn't this the bigotry that he is always railing against when he and his friends talk about the use of an epithet to describe a homosexual?. I do agree with one point Maher makes. When he says that people shouldn't flaunt their religion before people to be seen and praised, he is right. I always have an adverse reaction to athletes praying in the end zone after a touchdown. But Maher obviously has no understanding that Jesus taught, don't pray to be seen of men, but pray in your secret places. I think if anything, the "neurological disorder" is the disorder that keeps people from understanding and following the powerful teachings of Christ, whether religious or not. The intolerant tolerant just don't understand this point.
One more point, he stated that the "future doesn't belong to religion." I can't understand how someone that has no hope or concept of eternity can make such a proclamation. Eternal life awaits those who follow Christ's teachings!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The amazing thing about Christ is whether you believe in Him or not, his grace is sufficient for all men. Bill Maher, whether he chooses to accept Christ during his mortal existence or his post-mortal existence, will be saved, ultimately, by Christ's grace.

The problem I personally have with religion is that people use it to justify unethical and nihilistic behavior. Of course Satan will always create counterfeits to promote his agenda, so the problem isn't really with religion, but with counterfeits and people manipulating religion to serve their own purposes, i.e. Osama Bin Laden.

I mentioned in my blog to beware the "leaven of academia". Academia and science are replacing religion. Men are leaning into their own understanding and not trusting The Lord, Jesus Christ. Because we have become so sucessful by relying on science, science has become our new God. People don't realize that if it were not from the inspiration God gives us, we would not have science and we would not have understanding. :)