Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More Mohegan State Forest

The good thing about the forests in Connecticut is that they're beautiful! The bad thing is "watch out for ticks". Oh yeah, there is the small matter of, if you're not careful, you might end up down an old farmer's well. At one point, it was completely deforested out here and farms as far as the eye could see "old man Peabody owned all of it, had this crazy idea about breading pine trees" J/K (lil movie reference. Anyway, now it is all grown back, you can see the rock walls that used to separate the farms. A lot of times, one side will have dirt piled higher against the wall than the other. This indicates that, on the dirt side, there was a farm, on the non-dirt side, there was a pasture with cows or something. It is generally more rocky on the pasture side and their sometimes is a big tree which provided shade for the cattle. I'll include a pic with just such a tree, if you can find it.
PS God Bless America

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