Saturday, January 6, 2007

Record temperatures in the NorthEast and New England

My hyper-link didn't work, so here's the gist of it. It was 72° in New York City today and 72° in Newark, RI. This has broken a record set back in 1950. It's 10° Fahrenheit out here in Utah, we're freezing our toes off while those yahoos in New York are out surfing the Atlantic and the retahds in Providence are sunbathing.

Friday, January 5, 2007

M.A.S.H Trivia.

Time for the MASH question(s) of the day!
What was the name of the Mickey Spilane novel that Charles reads to Klinger?
What is the name of the mystery novel written by Abigail Porterfield that was sent via military mail to BJ?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

BSU Proves The BCS Is Full Of BS!

Congratulations BOISE STATE!! You are my new favorite non-BYU team! What an amazing game this was. Holy cow! Boise dominated most the game was up 28-10, but then Oklahoma started to come back late. They tied it up with a 1:07 on the clock when they barely converted a two-point conversion. The play looked like it had been foiled, but somehow Oklahoma found a man in the end zone. With 1:07 left, BSU tried to make a run, but their QB threw an Int that was run back for a TD. It looked like that was the end for the Broncos. BSU didn't give up though, they started to drive a little. They started to sputter a little around mid-field. It was 4th and 18 with no time-outs and only :07. They threw it down to their wide receiver and he pitched it back to another one who went into the end zone! In OT Oklahoma scored on their first play. BSU scored on an amazing trick play HB pass on 4th and 2. Instead of going for a FG on the PAT, they went for two to win it right there. They ran a statue of liberty and went in for the score and the win. Boise ran about every play conceived of by man and some by aliens at the end. It was great. Non-BCS schools 2, BCS Goooooooose. Utah and BSU! How much proof do we all need that its a sham?

Monday, January 1, 2007

Twilight Zone.

I'm just sitting here watching the Twilight Zone marathon on the Sci Fi channel. Its amazing to me that the originals are so much better than the remakes with Forest considering the fact that the originals are so dated. Having said that, I believe Dennis Miller was correct when he said that every movie has a fatal flaw. This is certainly the case with the Twilight Zone.
I came in the middle of this one so I'm not exactly sure how the sun got to be so intense, but the sun is overwhelmingly hot and people are droppin' like flies. The thermometer breaks at 120 and mercury is pouring over the face. Here is my gripe. The occupants of this apartment have the curtains wide open! Were people stupid in 1960 or just severe over-actors? Here is an example, in one episode the lady that is running around the house trying to barricade herself in as a little robot is trying to get into her cabin. The robot looks like a little toy robot I had when I was five. You gotta hand it to the lady. She is putting on quite the performance, but it is laughable that she is afraid of a stupid little toy. Overacting. I guess that's why they enlisted Shattner for several episodes, huh?

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bush And Blair Love Song

This is a little old, but I think it is funny. Like I've said, some people have way too much time on their hands.