Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Boston Massacre

This is the building that the Boston Massacre occurred in front of. We got off the trolley here not realizing that that is what was significant about the structure. Mom took this picture, because she loved the statues on it.

Lizard King

James is the Lizard King, he can do anything! Again, this was taken very close to the Boston Massacre site and where we ate our McDonalds.


We were going to do the water taxi, but did the trolley tour instead. These water taxis go on the roads and right down into the water and across the harbor!

Mom and Me

Mom and I in Boston on the Trolley Tour.


This is right before James amused us all!
The tour guide was telling us about all the wonderful Italian food that is in Boston. Our mouths started to water and I turned around to talk to mom about getting some Italian food. James who is known for his picky eating habits wasn't having any of the that! He wandered up to the tour guide. I turned around and asked "where did James go?" I noticed he had gone up to the tour guide who was still talking Italian. I asked mom, "what is James doing?". Then the tour guide anwsered my question when he abruptly stopped his discourse and said "McDonalds?" and instructed James which stop to get off at. Needless to say, that is where we went. So we ate overlooking the site of the Boston Massacre, cheesburgers in hand! James and Hanna were amused that you had to pay to get into the bathroom. We're not in Utah anymore Toto.

The Constitution from the Harbor

We did a tour of the Constitution, but we only did the speed tour which was the upper deck. We thought it would be quicker and then we could get back on the tour boat and get some grub. We should have done the full tour, because they started way before us. They were well to the lower deck by the time we got to go aboard.
They have sailors stationed on it and it does go out to sea once a year. It has to in order to keep its commissioned status.
You can see the monument behind it. That is on Breed's Hill. This is where the first battle (after Independence had been declared) took place. It was a slaughter! That is where the 'don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes' came from.

Mast of the Constitution

James Fixes to Film

James is examining the camera to take a shot of the harbor. I was amazed at the sheer volume of pics these guys took (over 3000 pics). I'm trying to sort them, but its a chore. I think Hanna wanted to take a picture of every skyscraper in NY and Boston. She nearly succeeded!

Boston Skyline From Harbor

Someone took this shot from the boat in Boston Harbor.


Here they are again at Mystic lookin at the star fish (fishes?). Actually, that might be a crab.


I'm not sure what this is? This is the day that I had to work so they went with David and mom to Mystic. Is it Barney?

Whoa!! Cool!!


Hanna thought it was cool when she found a crabshell along the walkway to a Coast Guard lighthouse.

Pretty RI Coast

RI isn't as spectacular as Maine, but it has its charm.

Sea-weed Hat

Hanna, being in a New York state of mind, decided to employ the latest in seaweed fashion. She piled it onto her head and made a hat. Yuck.

Westerly Beach III

Mom decided to jump in with them.

Westerly Beach II

Here James and Hanna frolick on the Westerly Rhode Island Beach. You can see that it was very misty that day. James liked the waves. One of them came crashing into his legs and made him flip over backwards. He got a nice mouth full of salt water, some sand in the eye and a seaweed necklace to show for it.

Empire State Views

Oh Das Gestank!

Here mom is taking in the wonderful smells of NY. If Rudy cleaned up NY, he forgot to spray some air-freshener on his way out.

Mom by Central Park

Mom on the tour bus, next to Central Park.

Midnight Ride

This is between Revere's home and the 'Old North Church'. This is where the kids bought their Boston sweatshirts.

Paul Revere's Place

Mom rushed passed the gate to snap a quick picture of Paul Revere's house. They set it up so that you couldn't see it unless you paid to go in. She went by and pretended she couldn't hear them to snap this photo.

The Brits Who Never Left Boston

This Cemetary is just up the Hill from the 'Old North Church' in Boston. Many of the British who died on Breed's Hill are buried here. In fact, most the occupants of this cemetary are british soldiers.


This is a monument in Boston dedicated to the first black unit in the Civil War. The movie 'Glory' is based on this unit.

USS Constitution Docked in Boston

Cruisin' Boston

Here we are on a Boston cruise of the harbor. This harbor is called Long wharf. It was where the last british soldier left Boston.

Hanna in Mystic

Mystic, Ct. is a very old seaport area. I think it goes back to the 1600s. Hanna at the Aquarium.

James on Marginal Way

James stands on Marginal Way.

James New Hat

James Dons his new hat at Perkin's Cove Maine

Perkin's Cove Maine

James and Hanna at Perkin's Cove, Maine.

Fun With Draw Bridges

James and Hanna play with the Draw Bridge in Perkins Cove, Maine. James pushed the raise button with a couple of guys on the bridge. I think he was embarrassed.

Beautiful Maine

Check this beautiful site out! Sunset in Maine.

Maine Beach

Fatso on the Beach.

Hanna on the Rocks

Hanna playing on the typical Maine rocky coastline.

Marginal Way.

Mom and Hanna walk the Marginal Way on the Perkin's Cove Maine coastline. Beautiful! Marginal Way? What kind of name is that for a pretty walk.

Maine Seafood

This is a lovely eating establishment in York, Maine. Yummy food.

Grand Central Station

James and Hanna in front of the Grand Central Station Maps.

Puttin' on the Ritz

Here we are at the ritzy hotel in NY.

Lennon Shot Here

John Lennon was shot right here as he was coming home from a recording session in Dec. 1980.

Yoko's Place

Hanna UN Ambassador

Hanna is in front of the UN building in NY.

Lower Manhattan from the Empire State Building.

Looking south from the top of the Empire State Building.

Battery Park

This is Battery Park where you pick up the ferry to go to Liberty and Ellis Islands.

Statue of Liberty on the Horizon

Hanna and James on the shore at Battery Park with the Statue of Liberty behind them on the horizon.

NY Tour Bus

Hanna Banana and Hollywood Jameserpants on the NY tourbus. James! Cheerup! You're on vacation.

World Trade Center

Here we are in front of the World Trade Center. I think the church is called St. Joseph. You can see we are in a little cemetary. It was amazing to think this little church, right next door survived virtually unscathed.

Takin' it to the Streets

James, Mom and David walkin' the NY streets early in the mornin'

New Haven - NY Snoozer

On the train from New Haven, Ct to Manhattan, NY, James couldn't stay awake. We begun the day at 4am. I wish I could sleep like this.

USS Constitution

More USS Constitution at Boston. This was after we got of the boat across the harbor. How come no body told me my gut was so huge.

Palmyra Temple and Mom.

Mom at the Palmyra Temple.