Monday, January 4, 2010


As a BYU fan I am fully convinced that TCU would beat anyone they played.
Since this is an illegitimate system anyway and everyone knows it, I'll forever call the winner of this game the 2009 National Champion.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How I'm Descended From Roger Williams

Roger Williams

Mercey Williams Sayles (John Sayles)

Mary Sayles Holmes (John Holmes)

Susannah Holmes Wightman (Rev. Valentine Wightman of the longest continuous parish in America, which I've lived near in N. Stonington, CT)

Daniel Wightman

(Deacon) Valentine Dea Wightman

Joseph Wightman (Born in Norwich, CT and died in Kirland, Oh and the first member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in this line)

Jane Elizabeth Wightman Dixon (Born in NY in 1818 and died in Utah)

Emma Jane Dixon Douglass (Born in Kirtland Ohio in 1855)

William Douglass

Gordon Elmer Douglass (Pearl Harbor survivor and Utahn through and through)

Gordon Lee Douglass, Mack Douglass, Kent Douglass, and Craig Douglass.

Gordon's Kids:

Roger Douglass, Diana Douglass Hart, Clint Douglass, Todd Douglass and Candace Douglass Allred.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being Positive

You know, I should say in this blog. There are some really good people in New Hampshire. I've been kind of down on it, because I've heard anti-christian slams at work, but there are a lot of really good people.
Mike and Leslie have been so awesome to us. The worked so hard to set up a baby-shower and that was so appreciated. They spent a lot of time and effort to do so and to invite people. They have been great. They just came over to see Cadence and have shown her a lot of love.
Bob at work has been a great friend. He is one of the nicest people I've known and seems to know everyone at work. That's because he makes an effort to reach out to them all and it makes me see that I really haven't made the effort I should, because I'm shy by nature.
My mentor, Kristoff is a great person. He made me feel welcome and was very supportive while I was learning my job. He has always treated me with a lot of respect, even though I'm sure he doesn't agree with me on many issues. He is very mild mannered and patient and well suited to be a teacher and a mentor.
I could go on, there are other great people I've worked with. I know I've focused on the negative and that is wrong. I'm sure Christ wants us to look for the good in people and our situation. I need to be more positive and see the good in people, which I'll try to do in the future.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Little Q and A

1. As I'm driving home from work today, someone has a big "O" with Obama written below it in crayon. It looks like a little kid was the artist and a proud parent posted it in the back of their car window. Question: Why am I the "cult member"?
2. Funny how our leftist friends are always running the "conservatives and their bumper sticker slogans" smack. I know, I know, we're stupid. One thing I've noticed up here in 'the Almost Great White North' is that it is always the left plastering their automobiles with stickers. So much so that you might think they are driving a 2008 Toyota "BuckFush" if you didn't know better. I'm going to start taking pictures and putting them up so you can see them (truly frightening). Sometimes I wonder if they ever forget what color car they originally purchased. Anyway, I'm on lunch break and this car is completely inundated with bumper 'art'. One of the stickers says "Men Rape". I'm like, "excuse me?" When I get closer I notice in small words "can stop". We're talking very small words, like in order to read it, you have to be out of the car after a fender bender, getting maced, solely because you are an evil white man, close. Question: Does anyone else wonder why no one can take feminists seriously? Is it possible that they come off a little; oh shall we say 'homicidal', towards men?
3. OK, I'm not at all calling Obama a communist (because heaven knows the left would never dream of calling me a fascist), but Glenn read something that was on the communist party website. He didn't tell his producer what the source was. As he read it, he kept asking who it was. "I don't know, it could be anyone from the Democratic Party". This wasn't exaggeration at all. It sounded just like liberal talking points, Bush destroyed us blah blah blah, Obama is our savior, because he has the 'audacity to hope', ya know all the standards. At the end, he revealed where it came from. Question: Doesn't it scare anyone that the communist party is defending Obama? Shouldn't that be the dead pigeon in nuclear sub that tells us we're all about to die! I know, we're not supposed to point that stuff out. We are supposed to give him our undivided loyalty, in the name of diversity and 'hope-idy changism' and all that, but I went on the communist site for myself and sure enough they are trashing republicans and lauding Obama as the conquering hero. I know, I know, I'm just a silly 'McCarthyist' conservative. You're not supposed to talk about how communism has failed time and time again and it usually ends up with millions in mass graves. That wouldn't be 'PC' so I'll just be qui (bam). . . .

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have an interview tomorrow with a company down in Houston.
I'm not sure how it will go, but if a hobbit can play for Notre Dame, against all odds, and even get into the game and register a sack against Georgia Tech, I can do it!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Government Is Dangerous.

To all those who say government is the solution to all our problems:
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
-George Washington
I know that many who think government is the solution are dismissive of the founders unless it serves there purposes.

Maybe There Is Hope

I got this story from

Robert Byrd, the longest serving senator in history, criticized President Obama's appointment of numerous White House advisors, also called "czars," saying the presence of the czars gives the president too much power.

These czars report directly to Mr. Obama and have the power to shape national policy on their subject area. So far, Mr. Obama has recruited czars on health reform, urban affairs policy, and energy and climate change. Unlike Cabinet secretaries, they do not have to be approved by Congress.

In a letter to Obama on Wednesday, Byrd, a Democrat, said that the czar system "can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," Politico reported. Byrd added that oversight of federal agencies is the responsibility of officials approved by the Senate.

"As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, or to virtually anyone but the president," Byrd wrote. "They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability."

Byrd has been a longtime critic of policies that concentrate power in the executive branch. He often fought with the Bush Administration and Wednesday's letter shows that he doesn't mind going after a president from his own party.

These days, however, Byrd’s comments have less force as he is no longer the chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee.