Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being Positive

You know, I should say in this blog. There are some really good people in New Hampshire. I've been kind of down on it, because I've heard anti-christian slams at work, but there are a lot of really good people.
Mike and Leslie have been so awesome to us. The worked so hard to set up a baby-shower and that was so appreciated. They spent a lot of time and effort to do so and to invite people. They have been great. They just came over to see Cadence and have shown her a lot of love.
Bob at work has been a great friend. He is one of the nicest people I've known and seems to know everyone at work. That's because he makes an effort to reach out to them all and it makes me see that I really haven't made the effort I should, because I'm shy by nature.
My mentor, Kristoff is a great person. He made me feel welcome and was very supportive while I was learning my job. He has always treated me with a lot of respect, even though I'm sure he doesn't agree with me on many issues. He is very mild mannered and patient and well suited to be a teacher and a mentor.
I could go on, there are other great people I've worked with. I know I've focused on the negative and that is wrong. I'm sure Christ wants us to look for the good in people and our situation. I need to be more positive and see the good in people, which I'll try to do in the future.