Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A Sign of the Times moment

This sign of the times moment brought to you by Hannity and Colmes. A North Carolina State Professor said this, "how are we going to exterminate white people of the face of the planet?" Went on to say that it was the only solution. I would say that fits into the category of the "love of many shall wax cold". Wouldn't you? What made it worse is the substantial applause at his comments, I would say more than the applause by those supporting Mit Romney at Fordham University on the Chris Matthew's College Tour. Screwed up world.


maybee said...

Thanks for your post on getreligion. .....and it brought me to this blog which I am happy to discover.

maybee said...

Thanks for your post on getreligion. .....and it brought me to this blog which I am happy to discover.

C. Dog said...

Oh thank you, I'm glad you took the time to read my ranting.